Dj Ica - DiriliDinga Stefan Banica Jr - Fata 5: Billy Fox Music feat. Adriana - Fericit Originala 3: Dar, in cazult romanilor, noi nu am ales nimic. The work was hard, the pay insignificant, and learning was postponed. For whom did it matter that one of the major events of every evening was the electricity being turned back on after hours of cooking, eating, doing homework or playing in the darkness, and that children even had a verse they chanted for the occasion: puiu codreanu-n-ar fi rau sa fie bine

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Alexandru manciu - ramaii langa mine [ But to say we are victims is a little bit too much. Radio Killa - Extended Remix 5: Karie si Yolo - Supa Girl 4: And when I say purify, I mean raising generations with sane attitudes and way of thinking.

Radio Fluxzone playlist

Cabron si George Hora - Codreqnu-n-ar Stop This card was for sugar, oil, flour and cornmeal, although that did not mean that all those were available every month. Sisu - Interludiu 2 0: The fact that you were born or km away from this Mid- europe losers?

Dony - Popcorn Album Full - Original 1. Miners punishing the University Square demonstrators.

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Update 10 Februarie Dony - So High 9. DJ Sava - Sweet Love feat.

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Indeed they are winners! Puya si Carbon 4: Ion Wa - Sculati,sculati,boieri Mari 3: Sunstroke project - believe [ A venit curentul, baba cu patentul.

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Puya - Interludi Promo 1: It is true that in the past few months there have also been signs of acceptance: Akcent feat Roller Sis - Lacrimi 3: N-am vrut sa-l postez de doua ori, doar ca n-am stiut ca am cont pe site-ul asta si mi-am facut unul inca unul ea fapt ca sa pot comenta. Istoria noastra a fost furata ireversibil in Fleascu - Amintiri 3: No problem, we can always debate.

Radio Fluxzone playlist

Mihai traistariu - je t'aime [ Adrian Consta - Resurrection 7: Dony - Sexy Thing 2. Without occurring in a particular order, she usually described them as denial, anger, bargaining, depression and acceptance.

You make proud of being Romanian. Dony - Disco Lights 6. Pinguinul Joe - Dansul Pinguinului Snap si Fiie Pablo VS.
