Views Read Edit View history. GLIntercept is a free open sourced program intended for Windows platforms. It works transparently just like gDebugger, and it can debug the shaders line by line. For instance, this allows the GL driver to notify your application:. Now these profilers are released as part of AMD uProf tool. After installing, a folder C: Cpu profiler and Power profiler were included in CodeXL until version 2. perfstudio

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It works transparently just like gDebugger, and it can debug the shaders line by line. Views Read View source View history. This page was last edited on 18 Septemberat The source code has been opened in and actively developing Open Source fork is now available: CodeXL's CPU profiler uses a statistical sampling based approach with various profiling techniques and measures: It is also free.

Supports Windows and Linux, can be used to analyze frames, see textures, buffers, shaders, etc.


After installing, a folder C: It is described as a lightweight, no installer, no change to your game, drag and drop suite of GPU tools. It was officially announced on November 23 that BuGLe is no longer being developed.


Wonder Mach Rage All-in-Wonder before To utilize this functionality, copy the DLL and a customized copy of the gliConfig. Also works on non-AMD hardware.

This is a fork of the original glslDevil project. CodeXL was successfully used to debug Bullet.

GPU PerfStudio now available | Community

It is no longer branded as an AMD product. You first run your program to generate a "trace file", and this file can then perrstudio replayed or explored using the tools provided.

This page was last edited on 15 Januaryat Archived from the original on Catching GL errors with this method is much easier than by using glGetError error checking.

You could use it to find out where the bottleneck is in your app. Current technologies and software. From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia.

GPU PerfStudio 3.3 now available

Navigation menu Personal tools Create account Log in. EXE resides and run your application. It is a core feature of GL 4. Retrieved from " http: By using this site, perfdtudio agree to the Terms of Use and Privacy Policy. Retrieved from " https: There are several tools that can aid in the debugging of your OpenGL program.

CodeXL - Wikipedia

In a nutshell, it allows your application to be notified via perfsudio callback function when "interesting events" occur. Free and open-source software portal. The analyzer's view lists each API call that was made on the CPU side and its corresponding command that executed on the GPU side in an inter-linked and unified timeline view, as well as aggregated statistics for user-selected specific time perfstuido — cumulative time for each type of API, number of calls, 20 longest calls and more.

The program is intended for applications that have a single GL context. In addition, this folder holds a version of the OpenGL It is compatible with OpenGL 3. Views Read Edit View history.
